Hi, I’m Jenn.  Mom, Sleep Boss and Finder of Lost Loveys

PA Sleep Consulting Expert

I work with frazzled, weary, overtired parents who are struggling to find a sleep solution for their children. You love your kids more than anything but there was no way to prepare for the total lack of rest that being a parent involves. It doesn’t have to be this way.  

Our babies do not come into the world knowing how to sleep well. Sleep is a skill that has to be taught, no different than walking and talking. 

Did you know 80% of children who are not sleeping well as infants continue to do so up to 4 – 5 years of age? That’s a long time.

As a top-rated sleep consultant, I will be your partner in creating a sleep system that works for your entire family. With a solution customized to your family, you will rediscover what it means for everyone to get a full night of sleep, which is life-changing.

Jennifer Schindele image

Sleep Consulting Expert in PA – Serving Families Around the World!

Where It Got Started

Have you ever heard the word “Mombie?” That is what my life was like as a new mom. After countless nights of little to no sleep with my daughter, my emotional and physical well-being was suffering.  

All of the endless rocking and sleepless nights took their toll.

How was I going to show up and be the mom I needed to be for my new little girl when I was barely functioning because of sleep deprivation? 

I felt defeated and at my wit’s end. Being newly diagnosed with postpartum depression and anxiety, I went to the doctor who literally “prescribed” getting more sleep (gee, thanks…but seriously…HOW?). 

How in the world was I supposed to do that with an infant who did not sleep? 

I had to find a better way but I was unwilling to simply put my kid in a crib and let her cry it out. 

As a mom, it was my obligation to find a sustainable solution for my daughter, and myself so that we could get the sleep we needed to thrive (not just survive). 

During my journey for answers, I became a student of sleep as well as a certified sleep consultant personally trained by world-renown sleep expert Dana Obleman. 

Through a customized sleep plan that I could commit to, my daughter learned to become an excellent sleeper which allowed me to get the rest the doctor ordered! 

It is unbelievable the difference between being exhausted compared to well-rested.  

I’m passionate about sleep. 

I’m passionate about helping your family get the rest it deserves.

Don’t wait until you’re at your breaking point, take the important next step today (right now) to learn how to help your child learn to sleep independently. 

Rest assured, I’ve got you covered.

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