by Jennifer Schindele | Jul 13, 2023 | babies, get your baby to sleep better, infants, Sleep Problems in Babies
Calling all bleary-eyed, sleep-deprived parents wondering why your little one wakes up EVERY MORNING at 3 am. Hey there! Glad you stopped by. Please know you are not alone. Many parents (me included once upon a time) find themselves on the same boat,...
by Jennifer Schindele | Feb 22, 2023 | Sleep Problems in Babies, sleep training
Sleep Regressions. The two words that induce fear in parents of babies and young children. Seriously though, it’s no joke. One week your baby seems to be sleeping longer stretches at night and napping like a champ and then BAM! An explosion of waking...
by Jennifer Schindele | Oct 18, 2022 | babies, Baby Sleep Tips, get your baby to sleep, get your baby to sleep better, Healthy Sleep Habit, Healthy Sleep Tips, infants, Newborn, Sleep Problems in Babies
Hey there! I’m back, and my post today is a response to questions I receive from exhausted parents and followers almost daily. It’s also a question I obsessed over when my daughters were babies. Millions of parents the world over consult Google and...
by jenbabywhisperer | Aug 4, 2020 | Baby Sleep Tips, Sleep Problems in Babies
Being a new parent is exhausting in and of itself, but when your baby wakes at 3 am every night, it runs you completely ragged. The effects of sleep deprivation are dangerous when it becomes chronic. So, let’s take a look at why your baby is waking so early each... by jenbabywhisperer | Jun 10, 2020 | Baby Sleep Tips, Sleep Problems in Babies
If you are one of the many families finding themselves at home more than usual during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’ve likely had your share of ups and downs over the months. While many families have enjoyed the additional family time, cabin fever is taking its toll.... by jenbabywhisperer | Jun 2, 2020 | Baby Sleep Tips, Sleep Problems in Babies
2020 was off to a great start. Your baby was a napping and sleeping rockstar, and all was well. And then a global pandemic forced people indoors, shuttered from the outside world, many furloughed or even fired from their jobs. If your baby’s suffered from a sleep...