Success Stories

Severely sleep deprived?

Barely making it through the day?

Unable to concentrate from lack of sleep?

The Sleep Sense™ Method, created by Dana Obleman in 2003, has already helped thousands of parents just like you teach their children healthy sleep habits.

It was my strong belief in Dana’s system that inspired me to become a professional sleep consultant, and I look forward to helping you and your family achieve the same results that my recent clients have been enjoying. Here are some letters from them:

Lisa and Tom, Harleysville, PA

Our 4.5mo son was needing us to help him fall asleep and stay asleep, we were constantly rocking and holding him for whenever he needed to sleep night or day. We were becoming so sleep deprived it was really started to affect our family since we have a toddler to take care of as well. We decided something needed to change, we came across Jennifer’s page and after talking to her during our free consultation we knew right away we wanted to work with her. She walked us through a very detailed approach that felt suitable for our son, made us feel like our concerns were heard and that our son’s health and wellbeing was always her number one priority. By night 3 our son was sleeping through the night, we couldn’t believe it! We felt like there was finally some light at the end of the tunnel for us. Jennifer has been extremely supportive throughout this entire process, she’s very responsive to any questions I have and beyond compassionate as well. I’m so glad we found her and can’t thank her enough for what she’s done for our family!

Lauren & Phil, New Jersey

Our 3 month old daughter was typically sleeping through the night which was wonderful.  However, we would have to sit in her room with her for about 2 hours every night to get her to fall asleep and stay asleep. The process consisted of holding her, feeding her, rocking her, and putting the pacifier back in her mouth over and over again.  This would not be sustainable long-term because we have another child to care for.  Within the first week of following Jennifer’s plan, our daughter was going into the crib awake 2-3 hours earlier than usual and putting herself to sleep.  She now sleeps 11-12 hours a night and is taking much longer naps.  Jennifer was extremely easy to get in touch with and addressed any questions/concerns we had.  We highly recommend her.  Best money we ever spent!


Jennifer has been so helpful sleep training our 4 month old baby. Before consulting her , I was sleep deprived and just not myself and was going through a extremely difficult phase because my baby was only sleeping when i rock her and would sleep only when held. I hardly slept for 2 hours a night. When we contacted her , she gave us such a confidence in our first call with her which encouraged me to sleep train my baby.

As my baby was 4 month old – she learned the skills really fast and there was not much of protest from

her side to fall asleep on her own. But our challenge was getting her to sleep longer for which Jennifer provided us with lot of helpful tips. She even prepared us for future and provided us with lot of information which would have been confusing if we were just looking out on google.

Now my baby sleeps on her own in less than 5 mins and she has the skill which we think she can use it even during next sleep regression phases.

Meaghan & Gokul, New Jersey

“My husband and I are so grateful to Jennifer! We are first time parents, which in and of itself is stressful, but we were really struggling with getting our daughter to sleep properly. From the time she was six weeks old, we had to bounce her to sleep. We didn’t think much of it as she was so young, and she stayed asleep after our help, but as she got older, she would wake as soon as we stopped bouncing or put her down, and woke several times a night. We were exhausted from bouncing and sleep deprivation, and depressed that this was our entire existence! It became clear that we could not continue living that way, and when our daughter reached 4 months of age, I took to the internet to figure out what to do. I learned about sleep consultants and researched a few before contacting Jennifer. My husband and I were sure she was the one after only about 2 minutes into our FREE 15 minute consultation call. We hired her, implemented her training, and our daughter slept through the night on NIGHT ONE.
I hate hearing my daughter cry—it makes ME cry—but Jennifer’s program is compassionate, allowing for parents to reassure their little ones while at the same time no longer enabling bad habits. Another great thing about Jennifer’s services is that she is 100% available to you, answering all of your emails in a timely manner during the day and evening. She also pays close attention to your child’s progress, and is quick to implement changes if your child is not progressing in any certain area, as she understands that every child has certain challenges that are unique to them.
Jennifer’s service is money well spent, and if there is anything that I regret, it is not finding her sooner. She is kind, patient, professional, and genuinely interested in the well-being of her clients.”Jennifer is amazing. She worked with us and within days my baby was sleeping sooo much better. I can’t thank her enough for the sanity that has returned to my life. More importantly, Jennifer COMPLETELY empowered me as a mommy and reinforced me as a strong woman. I am so thankful and happy to have found her.”

The Perrin Crew, California

“We had no hope in our 16 month old ever sleeping consistently, but we took a chance on trying a sleep consultant after several people recommended it. I’m SO grateful we found Jennifer. She was compassionate, validating, and straight-forward in her approach. We felt confident for the first time in our son’s life that we could follow a schedule and it would result in him sleeping better. This was after trying all the “methods.” We are so grateful to say his sleep (and ours) is so much better! He is going down without a fight and sleeping through the night almost every night. He is a more rested boy and it shows. It was worth everything to see him happy in the mornings now. And we have Jennifer’s support and expertise to thank.
Thank you Jennifer! We couldn’t have done it without you!”

Nicole, Valley Forge, PA

“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!  I just had to tell you that!  Baby C is doing FANTASTIC, we are all doing FANTASTIC!  I didn’t realize how sleep deprived my husband, my baby, and myself actually were.  My what I thought was already a happy baby is HAPPY HAPPY now.  She is sleeping 11-12 hours a night with absolutely no help from anyone, but herself.  She is napping great at home too, 1-2 hours twice a day.  Daycare not so much, but she is still very happy there and I just get her a nap as soon as we get home to get her over the hump, but things may get better over time with that too (she’s a light sleeper like me and my oldest).  Not only did she sleep train with a double ear infection, but she has popped both bottom teeth in the last two weeks too.  What a champ she really is!  She was certainly ready for good sleep and I wish I hadn’t waited so long.  I tried to be a super mom, but sometimes you just have to give in and ask for help, that’s what I have learned.  I have shared my wonderful experience with you with several other sleep deprived parents and hopefully they will bite the bullet and give you a call, because they are in the same boat as me.”

Geeta & Tony, Meriden, CT

“Jen was a lifesaver I was exhausted all the time my daughter would only sleep 45-60 min around the clock I could never get anymore no matter what I did. One night I was up 4am trying to find answers to why she woul not sleep I came across Jennifer. I called her that morning she asked a few questions about my daughter and was able to reassure me that I was not the only one that had a child who would not sleep. My husband was very skeptical about it but I knew I had to do something and in my gut it felt this was it. Jen was great she layed out a plan and helped me every step of the way. My daughter went from.sleeping 45 min on me to sleeping thru the night in her crib and also two to three hour naps my husband was amazed by her sleeping let alone in her crib. I can not thank Jen enough for all her help she changed all our lives and we Love our sleep now!”

Kathy, Wayne, PA

“Exhausted. Tired. Fatigued. Lack of quality sleep. You name it and that’s how we felt (not our son, but us!) before Jennifer helped us change our 4 ½ year old son’s sleep habits. His bedtime routine was very long, leaving us very little parent-time; we had to lie down with him while he fell asleep; he woke up in the middle of the night and needed to be helped back to sleep; and rose at varying hours in the morning. Jennifer’s plan literally changed our lives. Now, he goes to bed earlier – with no assistance, he’s enthusiastic about reciting his bedtime routine, there are no more middle of the night wake-ups; he has a morning wake-up time; he no longer comes into our bedroom at any time of the morning; and we have parent-time at night. And, he is so proud of himself! Because we made a lot of changes, we were prepared for much protest, but in actuality, it all went very smoothly. One of the things I really appreciated about working with Jennifer was that she didn’t just hand us a plan and leave us hanging. She really listened to our feedback and we were able to marry her plan with our schedule challenges, as well as make some tweaks to suit our son’s (and our) personalities. She was always there for us, by phone or email. I couldn’t recommend her enough!”

Laura, Steve, Ethan & Lucas, Newtown, PA

“WOW! Jennifer must be the magic fairy of baby sleep. She must have sprinkled some magic fairy dust in our house when she came to visit. Our son was a complete mess when it came to sleep. He was so dependent on us to go to sleep that we were at our wits end. We read all the books, tried all of the methods and nothing was working. Jennifer’s sleep plan worked on the first night and it has been smooth sailing ever since. She was available and attentive to our issues and questions and even reached out to the people at our daycare that were hesitant to get on board

We were definitely hesitant to bring in outside help to get our son to sleep better, but are so glad that we did. It really has made all the difference. It has even helped us develop better sleep habits in our older son. If you are wrestling with the idea of enlisting the help of a professional, we can honestly say it has been worth every penny! Thanks so much!”

Lauren & Ken, Verona, NJ

When our third child was born, we were expecting it to be somewhat easy; we figured that we already had it down  with getting baby to sleep  issues. We had one good sleeper and one not so great, but Baby D was really off the charts.  He did not like sleeping in his crib, and would only sleep in his bassinet for an hour or two at a time. He also wanted to be held or rocked to sleep, which was impossible with 2 other little ones to care for.    The week before we started our sleep plan, he literally was getting up every hour through the night to be held.  We were exhausted and overwhelmed and knew we needed help. Through the questionnaire, Jennifer was able to quickly determine what the problem was and laid out a comprehensive sleep plan detailing a step-by-step, path forward.  Her supportive conversations and emails and calm demeanor throughout the first steps of implementing our plan helped us stay the course.  Following her plan, we saw immediate progress.  Our son now goes to bed quietly at around 7pm, and gets up at around 7am with only one feeding through the night.  He’s happier and we’re more rested, which leads to a happier household.  Jen’s plan for getting Baby D to sleep better has also had a positive impact on our whole family’s sleep habits and bedtime routine. We’ve never written a testimonial, but felt inspired to share our thoughts about Jennifer’s help; it’s been life-changing and we feel as if we have taken back the night!”

Emily, Casey Sr. & Casey Jr., Trevose, PA

“Thanks to Jennifer and the Gift of Sleep Consulting, we (the baby, my husband and I) are all getting a wonderful nights sleep and enjoying a consistent nap schedule during the day.  We went from getting about an hour between night wakings to now a full 12 hours of sleep.  The whole process was pretty painless for all of us and we find the baby is much happier with his new schedule.  Thank you so much Jen!  We can’t thank you enough for all of your help and guidance.  Big Casey and I could KISS YOU that’s how happy we are.  It’s still amazing to me.”

Karyn & Rob, Oreland, PA

“I found my way to Gift of Sleep Consulting after seeing a friend and her family have great success with the program and hearing her proclaim that it was the best money she’s spent on anything baby-related.

So, ran to the computer and waved the white flag in the form of an e-mail to Jennifer entitled “Help!” As I explained in that email, I was a severely sleep-deprived, breastfeeding mama of a beautiful but also very sleep-deprived five-month-old boy. My son, Baby R, was getting approximately 11 hours of very broken sleep a day. I’m talking a few 45-minute naps and nighttime sleep that was interrupted by wakings up to eight times a night and couldn’t get my baby to sleep through the night.

I could tell he was chronically tired and despite my best efforts every day get baby to sleep he did not sleep long enough to get the sleep that he needed.

I was a zombie, barely making it through each day. I was exhausted, forgetful, unable to concentrate or make decisions, full of anxiety, and frequently in tears. All I could think about was sleep – both Baby R’s and my own! I managed to read a handful of baby sleep books but became paralyzed by the conflicting messages.

I just didn’t know what to do. I started to believe that I’d never sleep again and thinking, “baby will not sleep“.    Enter The Gift of Sleep Consulting.  Help was officially on its way. My husband and I met with Jennifer for a consultation in our home (I still think she sprinkled magic sleep dust here) where she gathered information from us and created a personalized sleep plan for Baby R. Two nights later, my husband and I implemented the plan.

It was clear and easy-to-follow…basically foolproof. And guess what? IT REALLY WORKED. We saw a massive improvement on night one. By night two, Baby R was sleeping through the night. Naps have also increased in length, so we finally have some predictability and structure to our days. Baby R is a much happier baby now and is getting the sleep that he needs! He’s learned a valuable skill – how to sleep independently – which will serve him throughout his life. With consistent nighttime sleep, I’m also back in the land of the living, and very happy to have the energy to enjoy my wonderful family. Jennifer was with us every step of the way. Through phone calls and emails, she consistently reviewed our progress, answered our (many) questions, and gave us sincere encouragement and support.  Thank you, Jennifer, for helping this family reclaim our days, nights, energy, and happiness!”

Abbey and Harold, Detroit, MI

Our lives were truly transformed! We have a sleeping baby…HOORAY! Before working with Jennifer, my husband and I were beyond exhausted every single day…basically since we brought our baby home 8 months ago. During the day she wouldn’t take naps longer than 20-30 minutes and at night she was waking every 1.5-3 hours and had to be nursed back to sleep every time she woke up. Finally we had hit our breaking point and out of desperation, my husband googled sleep consultants at 2am on a particularly bad night with our baby. He found Jennifer’s website and scheduled a consult with her immediately. Fast forward to not even a month later and after working with Jennifer for just 3 weeks, our baby is sleeping through the night, no longer nursing to sleep and taking much better naps during the day too! Not only are we all sleeping so much better than before, we are all happier…especially our baby! It is a true blessing of a gift that Jennifer has been given to help families get their little babes to sleep. I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone who is struggling with a sleepless baby. She will truly bring your family the ‘Gift of Sleep’! Thanks again Jennifer!


I am so grateful we got in touch with Jennifer! We had been struggling with poor sleep habits and family sleep deprivation for a while. My daughter is 2.5 and we tried so many different methods and routines to establish consistent sleep but were completely lost and at our wits end by the time we reached out for a sleep consultant.

Jennifer has an excellent understanding of the toddler mind and behavior. Our sleep plan helped us establish better boundaries with my daughter both at bedtime and during the day. The reward system we used gave her tons of positive reinforcement even on the difficult days. Before this we had been trying for 6 months to wean off a reliance on bottles to fall asleep and I was convinced that would be the hardest part. But by day 3 my daughter was falling asleep without it and hardly putting up a fuss. I think we just needed the reassurance to stand our ground no matter how much a fight it becomes. We came out the otherside as a stronger family. My daughter is now going to bed every night at 8:30 pm with no sleep crutches and sleeps through the night until 6:30 AM.

Alexandra, New Jersey

I truly recommend working with Jen if you have any insecurities about your child’s sleep. I had so much anxiety surrounding the sleep of our first child, Cameron. There are SO many resources out there on sleep – it can be incredibly overwhelming to try and figure out who to listen to and what to follow. We hired Jen when my son was about 4 months and we wanted to transition him from the Snoo bassinet to his crib. I was so worried! What if he didn’t get enough sleep? What if I was up all night? Sleep training terrified me too. I couldn’t imagine having to listen to my baby cry for hours. I quickly learned that those aren’t the only two options! Jen was there every step of the way. She gave me the confidence to know that my son had the ability to learn the sleeping skills he needed. Now, at just over 7 months old, he is sleeping through the night almost every night, 11 – 12 hours, alone in his crib. He also is a great napper, getting 3 hours+ of day sleep also in his crib. If you are anxious like me, hire Jen. Instead of your mom, your friends, or worse, the internet, let this unbiased expert be your sounding board and guide! The value her service and open communication provides is priceless.

Leslie & Jerry, Doylestown, PA

“Our 3.5 year old son was a total disaster at bed and overnight. He refused to sleep in his own room and was on a mattress in the master, he started refusing to go to bed himself (wanted one of us to go to sleep at 7:30) and was up a few times a night. We were exhausted and frustrated.
I found Jennifer via google and hired her after our initial phone call. Her approach seemed like what we wanted, not a just lock him in his room and make him scream approach, but also something firm with rules.
Jennifer came to our house with a detailed plan and talked us through all the steps. I have to say I was very skeptical if it would work. Within just a few nights we made a ton of progress. Our son actually liked the rules (and rewards). Our son responded way faster than we expected, Jennifer still stayed in touch to make sure we were on track.
I’m happy to say we have a 4 year old who is not a struggle at all to get to bed. He sleeps all night and generally stays in his room until the time we chose as his wake up time.
It seems like a lot to do, to hire someone to help with this. We needed Jennifer to teach us how to set the right limits for our very strong willed child.
Having gone through 3.5 years of sleep h*ll I can say this was one of the best things we ever did and I only regret not hiring Jennifer sooner. I recommend her 100%!”

Julia & Michael, Modesto, CA

“Jennifer is the real deal. If you are looking for a compassionate, no nonsense approach to sleep training, look no further. She has helped us train both of our children to sleep independently throughout the night. Our first is now just over two years old and has been sleeping solidly through the night since we first contacted Jennifer. We just finished training our second and he has been sleeping 12 hours at night and taking great naps during the day. He is also generally much happier and fun to be around. Others have commented that he seems like a different baby!
With so many different methods available for parents to sleep train and so much (often conflicting) advice, it’s great to have a competent, trained professional to guide you through the process, offer support and answer questions when you have them.
Thank you Jennifer!”

Jasmine & Michael, Upper Darby, PA

“Jen Schindele has been the savior or my sanity and has brought me back to the land of the living. My now 10mo is taking his first nap which lasts 90 minutes or so and then takes his afternoon nap nicely ( 1-2 hours)…. sleeping through the night… goes down nicely… drowsy but awake, night waking seem to be disappearing and wakes up when it gets light out instead of waking up in the middle of the night a bunch like a vampire……. have reduced reliance on sleep props (rocking, pacifier, feeds, etc) All this with minimal protest from baby……. Everyone always comments about what a happy baby he is, how engaging he is…… so many seem amazed that he doesn’t fuss as much as other babies do….. Happy Baby = Happy Mommy and Daddy…… We love you Jen!”

Sarah, Phoenixville, PA

“Jennifer Schindele delivers her knowledge of infant sleep patterns with compassion and tact. She really helped us to get our four month old on a schedule that made all of us so much happier and well-rested. She was extremely kind, thoughtful and responsive during all of our follow-up conversations. We could feel her cheering us on and believing in our little baby, while always maintaining healthy and realistic expectations of potential challenges down the road. It was a big decision to hire her, but we found devising a sleep schedule too overwhelming with the demands of a rowdy 3 year old in the house.  We are certainly not where we want to be yet with our baby’s sleep, but we have the gift of knowing what she is capable of, in addition to the right tools to help her remember how to put herself to sleep.  We are so thankful for Jennifer!”

Rachel & Tim, Yardley, PA

“My husband and I didn’t think we had it so bad with our six month old daughter. If we held her, she napped great. She woke up once or twice a night and fell back to sleep easily with nursing. But, we were exhausted of the rocking her to sleep for naps for extended periods of time, and it was no longer becoming feasible for me to nurse her down every night. Out of sheer desperation, I had a phone consult with Jennifer. My husband still wasn’t convinced, but that night it took us almost two hours to get our little girl down, and he said, ” book that sleep lady!” Jennifer walked us through the plan carefully, and especially through our anxiety about it. The first night was rough, but we haven’t looked back! Our daughter now is able to fall asleep on her own for naps and nighttime, AND sleeps 11-13 (yes, 13) hours per night. Even if she wakes in the middle of the night, she has the tools now to fall back to sleep without our even getting out of bed. She even got so much sleep right away, that she hit several major milestones within 2 weeks. Jennifer walked us through all of it, and we now have the tools to handle (most) issues on our own! We are beyond grateful for our little one being well-rested, and our return to sleeping again. We would highly recommend Gift of Sleep Consulting!”

Sara & David, Havertown, PA

“Just wanted to give a shout – out to Jennifer Schindele of Gift of Sleep Consulting! Almost 6 – month old E was having a HECK of a time napping (no more than 20 – 30 min. at a time) and alot of difficulty soothing herself without the use of a swaddle, paci, rocking or nursing. These cat – naps left me and big sister L little time to do much or go anywhere. Cue Jenn and her practical, easy – to – follow plan for helping E fall asleep on her own, and extend her naps.

I am happy to report, that within 2 nights, E was falling asleep on her own with no swaddle, no paci and barely any tears! She remains paci – free, and sleeps about 11 hrs at night with 3 naps. Though it’s taken some time and perseverance, her naps are typically between 1 – 2 hrs a piece and she is a happy, well – rested baby. I feel much calmer knowing how to handle sleep issues if they arise (big sister L was a good napper from the get – go, so I never had to worry).

I know sleep is a key issue for a lot of us mommas on here, especially with more than one kiddo, or a job or heck, a life outside of your house! Jenn is such a help with identifying how to help get EVERYONE more sleep, and, with 2 littles of her own, definitely understands.”

Magin & Noelle, Philadelphia, PA
“What can we say except that we are truly grateful for what Jennifer has done for our family! At the beginning of this month we did not think that there was going to be an end in sight for sleepless nights. Then we met with Jennifer and you were just so positive that this will happen and that we could do it, and I am so thankful that we took the leap and trusted what you put in place for us. Although, I have to admit that it was not at all easy. After the first night we were ready to get a king size bed and just accept that our daughter would be in our bed for years to come, but with your guidance we pushed through, and are extremely happy that we did. A will now only cry out when we leave her room and then over the monitor all we hear and see is her interacting with her sister and then they are both asleep!!! No more rocking her until she was out and hoping that she was asleep enough that she would transfer to the crib, and no more long waking periods during the night where she would end in our bed. Now if she wakes she may cry out, but then is right back down and goes back to sleep right away on her own! It is a great and amazing feeling to have our evenings and our bed back to ourselves! A also wakes so much happier now. We go into the room to get her and she is all smiles it is such a wonderful feeling! So again THANK YOU so much for your gentle but tough guidance I am so happy that we found you when we did!”
Jen & Emma, Royersford, PA

“Hi Jenn! So happy to see things are going well! I want to say thanks again for all your sleep advice for Miss Emma. It helped soooo much and my great sleeper turned sleep hater is now back to a great sleeper. Thanks :-)”

Sally, Doylestown, PA

If you are looking for a sleep trainer please look no further. I have a 14 month old who is the classic definition of attached to my hip. I was having a hard time because we co-slept together. She wouldn’t go to bed without me so that meant my day was over whenever she was ready for bed, which was mostly around 7:30- 8pm. She would wake up multiple times at night to feel my face just to make sure I was still there. Whenever I woke up for bathroom breaks she also woke up thinking that I was leaving her. So i had to always bring her with me to the bathroom for fear that she may crawl off the bed trying to follow me. We tried everything to have her sleep in her own crib but every time we tried she would vomit and that was the end of that. Naps were just as challenging. I either had to hold her to nap , or lay with her the whole time. So I had no time to myself at all.

Since we started with Jennifer, My baby now sleeps in her own crib in her own room through the night. When we first started I was super skeptical about achieving anything in 3 weeks. I remember Jennifer Being very optimistic during our first zoom meeting,  and sure enough, by the end of the 1st week, my little one was sleeping through the night on her own. My husband and I even had for our first date night in 2 years ! And now we are catching up on TV shows/ series that we had put off for a long time.

During our time together, Jennifer was always readily available to guide us throughout. I remember one time we were having a hard time on a Sunday and she got in touch and guided us on what to do despite it being her day off. When my little one got a cold in the midst of all this, she was kind enough to follow up and check on her progress. She even extended our time together for one more week to accommodate the lost sick days.

When we first started, Jennifer told us that her success rate was 99.5%. I remember telling her that I am sure my baby would be the 0.5% unsuccessful rate because I felt like I had tried it all and there was nothing that could be done. I know most parents would probably feel the same way especially after trying everything and nothing seems to work. Jennifer however proved me wrong and I have no doubt she will prove you wrong too.

Also this Being my first baby, she always shared  parenting tips here and there which i truly appreciate.

Overall my goals were more than 1000% met and I couldn’t be happier. Baby is getting better sleep in her own space, and so are we. Thank you Jennifer for all you have done for our family. You are a true miracle worker!

Sarah, Pennsylvania

We were reaching a point of desperation when our 13 month old was waking for 2-3 hours in the middle of the night, waking up at 430 am, and only napping for an hour a day. She was miserable and I was an exhausted mom stressing over her sleep and feeling miserable myself. Within 5 days of working with Jennifer we had Kaia sleeping 10-11 hours overnight and napping 2.5 hours during the day! I had tried multiple other sleep training programs online and nothing worked but Jennifer was able to take it to a more personal level, find what worked best for us as a family, and give us the tools to really feel confident in the approach and support Kaia the best we can!

Lindsay, Allentown, PA

“Before we found Gift of Sleep, our 8 month old was sleeping 3-4 hour stretches, only while co-sleeping, nursing multiple times during the night, and took contact naps. My husband and I tried several strategies and sleep programs, but nothing worked. We were defeated and exhausted. The moment I talked to Jennifer during an initial consultation phone call, I could tell how passionate and knowledgeable she was. Jennifer easily understood our situation and connected with us through similar experiences with her own children. During our Zoom session to review the personalized sleep plan she wrote for our son, she not only made us feel supported, but thoroughly explained the reasoning behind the sleep plan and educated us on baby sleep. By night 3, our soon was sleeping through the night and taking two, two hour naps daily. Jennifer supported us throughout the entire process, always listening and guiding us. I have nothing but positives to share regarding Jennifer and her services, we are forever grateful and our lives have improved tremendously. She really gave us the ‘gift of sleep’!”

Jeremy & Tiffany, Myrtle Beach, SC

“We have a 3 1/2 year old son and 11 month old little girl. Our daughter was cosleeping and was dependent on breastfeeding to sleep. We were exhausted. My wife would have to sit in the bed while she was napping or have to rock her so she would get a nap in. We knew we needed to do something but my wife and I were not on the same page as to how to fix it which only added more stress to the situation. I wanted to let my daughter cry it out for a while but my wife was against it. She read multiple books on different methods however every approach had pros and cons and was just overwhelming to figure out the right approach.


Today, our daughter sleeps 12 hours a night with two one hour naps like clockwork. It took about 3 days and she was in her rhythm. We still can’t believe how much she loves her crib. Before her bedtime routine is over, she is reaching for her crib. It’s crazy. After the 3rd night, my wife and I were actually sitting in our living room watching late night TV together…..What a concept.

Not only is Jennifer amazing in her approach, but she crafted an approach that my wife and I were both comfortable with. She challenged us and pushed us and supported us every step of the way. She is the real deal.

We don’t know what we would have done without her. This was seriously the best money we’ve ever spent and even if parents don’t have a serious sleep issue like we did, I would recommend this service. As a parent, Jennifer taught us so much about sleep discipline and about what is best for our children to get them to sleep effectively. Thank you Jennifer. You are awesome.”

Melissa & Dan, Downingtown, PA

I recently finished up my sleep training with Jennifer Schindele and WOW, what a difference! I’m happy to report that my little man (almost 8 mos) is putting himself to sleep without any sleep props (and there was a laundry list of them to get rid of), he’s sleeping through the night for 11-12 hrs at a time (he was waking up 6+ times a night), and is no longer taking a nighttime bottle. My LO has severe reflux and I was always concerned if that was bothering him when he didn’t sleep, but after working with Jen (and our GI doctor) I know I can trust the medicine and that my LO CAN in fact sleep! We’re still working through some minor nuances with naps and awake times, but it’s 10x better now that we’re all sleeping! Thank you, thank you!!!”

Shauna & Paul, McKinleyville, CA

“Our life before working with Jennifer was stressful, exhausting, and emotional. We were tired. Our 4 month old was waking up every two hours and was taking 30-45 minute naps during the day. Needless to say, there were often tears of frustration.

By day 3 of her program our son was sleeping through the night (12 hours) without waking up. My Christmas miracle came early! His naps took a few more days to work out but once he got the hang of it he was asleep within minutes. Throughout the whole process, Jennifer was available to reassure me and answer any questions or concerns that I had.

Now, a month later, our son is sleeping 12 hours a night, uninterrupted, and takes 3 long naps during the day. He is a happy, well-rested baby. I would highly recommend Jennifer and her program to any parent in need of sleep help. Our biggest regret is not working with her sooner.”

Julie, Rob & Jack, Bala Cynwyd, PA

“Jennifer has been a lifesaver! Our 21 month old son, Jack, would never sleep in his crib; every time we laid him down, he would start crying. So, he would usually come into our bed or sleep in a mattress on the floor. However, he could not go to sleep without my being there next to him and usually breastfeeding. It would take sometimes over 60 minutes for him to fall asleep. Every night, there was a minimum of 2 night wakings, frequently 3-4. Needless to say, I was very sleep-deprived and so was our son! We met with Jennifer and she laid out a “roadmap” of how to get Jack to sleep on his own in his crib. I did not believe her when we met, but over the first week, I was amazed at how Jack responded. We are about 3 weeks out now and he not only sleeps 10.5-11 hours at night after going to bed in his crib AWAKE but also takes around a 2 hour nap as well, without problems. Thank you, thank you, thank you Jennifer. You have made a huge difference in all of our lives.”

Tina & Kyle, Cherry Hill, NJ

“Jennifer worked with my husband and myself to assist us with getting my 4 month old son to be a great sleeper and sleep through the night. She was very knowledgeable about the sleep sense plan and provided easy to follow instructions along with a personalized plan. Within days we were finally sleeping well and so was our son! I would highly recommend Jennifer to anyone having trouble with an infant or toddler sleeping through the night. It was a tough process, but Jennifer was there every step of the way to guide us through the rough times. Sleep for everyone is so important, so if you think your child will never be a good sleeper, try Jenn’s method because it does work! I can testify to that!”

Erica & Dan, Philadelphia, PA
“My husband and I were at the end of our rope with exhaustion when we attended a free sleep seminar Jennifer was presenting that I saw advertised on Mommy’s lil Black Book’s facebook page. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Our almost three year old daughter had always had issues with sleeping – there would be some weeks where she’d sleep through the night but then that pattern would always be disrupted by something we didn’t know and we’d be right back to square one. We were getting maybe 4 hours of broken sleep a night if we were lucky – our daughter would use every excuse in the book to get our attention – something had to give. We decided after attending Jennifer’s seminar to hire her to help us, especially since we are expecting our second child in December. Jennifer came to our home, and after getting to know specifics, came up with a very detailed sleep plan for us to use with our daughter. Our daughter is very strong willed and despite a lot of resistance and after some tweaking of the plan, she is now sleeping through the night for 10 hours straight. Jennifer was very supportive, quick with responses and encouraging that our nightmare will end – and it did – thank you Jenn!”
Amanda, Phillip & Greta, St. Louis, MO

“Jennifer has been a great help to us as we’ve been navigating nap issues with our six-month-old. We started the Sleep Sense program when our daughter was four months, and were connected with Jennifer when we decided we needed to talk with someone one-on-one about naps. She has been very kind and responsive in helping us deal with nap issues that weren’t covered in-depth in the program, particularly transitioning from three naps to two. We have been impressed by her kindness, knowledge, and quick response. It has always been reassuring and encouraging to speak with her. Our daughter sleeps 12 hours straight at night with no problems, all because of Sleep Sense. Thank you, Dana & Jennifer!”

Naz & Payman, Philadelphia, PA
“Jennifer was a tremendous help to our family. She is very knowledgeable, patient, and supportive during this difficult time. With her system, our son is able to fall asleep and stay asleep all on his own! My husband and I no longer dread nights!”
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