by Jennifer Schindele | Jul 18, 2023 | babies, infants, parents, sleep training
Congratulations Mom and Dad! You’ve successfully supported your baby in learning independent sleep skills. Your little wonder is rocking those long, peaceful slumbers at night and taking stellar naps during the day. That’s a perfect reason to...
by Jennifer Schindele | Apr 27, 2023 | Baby Sleep Tips, infants, parents, twins
Congratulations on becoming a new parent to twin infants! As exciting as it is to welcome two bundles of joy into your life, it can be a challenging experience too, especially when it comes to getting a good night’s rest. Sleep training your twins may seem like...
by jenbabywhisperer | Aug 31, 2021 | parents
If you’re here reading this, you’re probably curious about working with a sleep coach. Maybe you’re wondering what it’s like, or you want to know how it works. Or, perhaps you’re at your wits-end and hiring a sleep coach is your plan Z. Whatever the case, welcome!...
by jenbabywhisperer | Aug 13, 2021 | babies, parents
Whether your little one successfully went through sleep training, or you’re looking for a bit of incentive to get to the other side, today’s blog is about sleepovers at grandma and grandpa’s house. Don’t worry, if the mere thought of it makes...
by jenbabywhisperer | Jul 21, 2021 | parents
If you have school-aged children, the COVID-19 shutdown may have elevated or heightened stressors as you attempted to juggle home, work, and school. And with summer break comes the added intensity of juggling summer schedules and taking advantage of warmer temps with...
by jenbabywhisperer | Jul 15, 2021 | Baby Sleep Tips, Child Sleep Tips, Healthy Sleep Habits, parents, Uncategorized
How’s your sleep schedule going? It’s easy to fall into the relaxed pace of summer, especially now that pandemic restrictions are easing up and more places are open to explore. However, you don’t want to ease out of routines and consistency because it can be the...