by Jennifer Schindele | Jul 18, 2023 | babies, infants, parents, sleep training
Congratulations Mom and Dad! You’ve successfully supported your baby in learning independent sleep skills. Your little wonder is rocking those long, peaceful slumbers at night and taking stellar naps during the day. That’s a perfect reason to...
by Jennifer Schindele | Jun 15, 2023 | babies, Baby Sleep Tips, Child Sleep Tips, infants, sleep training
The idea of possibly sleep training your baby can elicit many emotions. Fear, confusion, overwhelm. While sleep training can be a very rewarding experience, it can also be fraught with confusion and misgiving. Sleep training is the process of helping...
by Jennifer Schindele | May 16, 2023 | babies, Healthy Sleep Habit, Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Sleep Tips, sleep training
If you’re a parent struggling with your little one’s sleep issues, you’re not alone. Many parents face difficulty getting their babies to sleep through the night. If you’re considering sleep training, preparing yourself for the possibility of...
by Jennifer Schindele | Mar 8, 2023 | babies, infants, sleep training
One of the hardest things to master with babies is the pause. What do I mean by that? We have to learn that it is not always necessary to rush in for a night feeding at the first sign of fussing. Sometimes, you have to just pause…and let your...
by Jennifer Schindele | Feb 22, 2023 | Sleep Problems in Babies, sleep training
Sleep Regressions. The two words that induce fear in parents of babies and young children. Seriously though, it’s no joke. One week your baby seems to be sleeping longer stretches at night and napping like a champ and then BAM! An explosion of waking...
by Jennifer Schindele | Feb 15, 2023 | babies, sleep training, toddlers
What to do when baby becomes sick while sleep training “101.7… again.” I looked back and forth from my daughter to the thermometer. Wasn’t someone sick just a week ago?! When my kids were small it seemed that there was a never-ending parade of colds, flu, and any...