Sleep-Stealers: Three Things to Remove from Your Child’s Room Tonight

Sleep-Stealers: Three Things to Remove from Your Child’s Room Tonight

When becoming parents for the first time, in an effort to prepare for every need and event, our home becomes overrun with every baby friendly accessory.  I find this aspect of modern day parenting amusing because a few hundred years ago, there was definitely a...
Dealing With False Starts

Dealing With False Starts

You’ve offered the bedtime feed, run a warm bath, put on some cute pajamas, read some books in the rocking chair, turned on the white noise machine, and placed your baby in their crib. They seem to be ready for a good night’s sleep after the routine you’ve worked so...

How to Keep Your Child Awake

I talk about sleep a lot. Here on my blog, with family, friends, clients and colleagues — sleep is a never ending topic of conversation, as it should be given my career! However, I was just telling a former client that we, as parents, spend so much of our time...
5 Ways Parents Sabotage Their Baby’s Sleep

5 Ways Parents Sabotage Their Baby’s Sleep

Your baby’s first year is typically marked by a blur of amazing milestones, and a healthy sleep routine is often the most difficult to master. Many parents are often surprised to find that they are often the cause behind their little one’s sleep difficulties. Today...
An Account from a Once Frazzled Sleep Deprived Mommy

An Account from a Once Frazzled Sleep Deprived Mommy

This week’s blog post comes courtesy of guest blogger Lauren, The Median Mommy (, And one of my wonderful clients.   One year ago, I was a frazzled mom, prone to tears, constantly overwhelmed, forgetful and fatigued.  My 8 month...